eDiagnostic is an interactive website designed for use by medical students, which focuses on the appropriate and cost-effective use of diagnostic investigations.

This website is a derivative of the iNvestigate project, which was funded by the Australian Government under the Quality Use of Pathology Program.

Like iNvestigate, eDiagnostic uses data from the RCPA Manual to provide detailed information about individual Pathology tests.

Similarly, the Medicare Benefits Schedule is used as the data source for indicative costs of investigations -- these do not necessarily reflect actual costs to the patient or the laboratory and do not include associated costs e.g. of anaesthesia or hospital admission.

In addition, eDiagnostic uses data from the RANZCR Inside Radiology website to provide general information about diagnostic imaging.

How the user interacts with eDiagnostic is explained here. Simple instructions and help are provided on each page of the website.

eDiagnostic is a work in progress. Further relevant and instructive cases will continue to be added to the site in the future.

eDiagnostic has been tested with Firefox 12+, Internet Explorer 8 and Safari 5+, but appears to work satisfactorily with most other browsers on desktop or laptop computers. eDiagnostic has not been tested on other devices and is unlikely to work on tablets or phones.

Please access eDiagnostic via eMed, as follows:

1. Login to eMed.

2. View the “Quick Links” menu on the left pane of the eMed Home screen.

3. Click “eDiagnostic”, which should take you into eDiagnostic without needing to sign in.

4. If these steps do not work, please contact the UNSW IT Service Centre on +61 2 9385 1333 or servicedesk@unsw.edu.au






UNSW MedicineThe Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia

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